Join us for a cup of coffee, breakfast, and great conversation. This month our featured presenter is Katherine Tunheim, professor of economics and management. Tunheim will bring news about the department and speak about business ethics and how it is incorporated in the department today. All Gusties are welcome and invited to the breakfast, Wednesday, May 20, 8-9:30 a.m. at the Doubletree Hotel Minneapolis-Park Place, 1500 Park Place Blvd. Cost is $10 at the door. Reserve your spot by calling Don Swanson ’55 at 763-533-9083. Upcoming summer breakfasts include Tom Emmert, professor of history, on June 17; Byron Nordstrom, retiring professor of history and Scandinavian Studies, on July 15; and Megan Ruble, director of student activities, and Mim Kagol, Gustavus Library Associates, on the Reading In Common program, on August 19.