Month: July 2010
Gustie Picnic in Willmar
Over 30 Gusties gathered in Willmar on Wednesday, July 28. Great weather, good conversations, and fantastic food!
Nathan and Brianna Borka ’04 ’06
Nathan Borka ’04 married Brianna Sander ’06 May 15, 2010 in Woodbury. Of the several other Gusties attending, Pastor Tasha Genck Morton ’04 officiated and Alex Nelson ’06 supplied the music.
Katie Leaf ’07
Katie Leaf ’07 graduated from the University of Minnesota with a Master’s of Architecture degree in May 2010.
Gustie Picnic in Moorhead
Gusties from the Fargo/Moorhead area gathered on June 27 at Teresa Harland’s home in Moorhead. Thanks for hosting Teresa!
Thomas Walker ’00
Thomas Walker ’00 was married May 29, 2010 to Mary Sue Miheve Walker (not an alum).
Christa Harrison ’05
Christa Harrison ’05 spent spring 2010 volunteering as the Communications Coordinator for SKIP Peru (Supporting Kids in Peru) in northern Peru in the city of Trujillo. During her time with the non-profit organization, Christa managed external communication programs, such as the website, e-newsletters, sponsorship programs, and annual reports. She also was a teaching assistant in…
Gustie Picnic in Eden Prairie
Over 75 Gusties got together to enjoy the sunshine, warm weather, great food, and an update on life at Gustavus.
Gusties Volunteer at Boy Scouts Jamboree
Carl S. Malmberg ’77 and Renee Rule Greer ’79 are volunteer staff at the Boy Scouts of America National Jamboree celebrating the Scout Centennial. Rene is the Southern Region Chief Nursing Officer and Carl Malmberg is Staff Physician Assistant for Southern Region Medical Hub #1.
’98 Gusties In Cold Spring
Alison Le Cocq Carda, Jen Pulford Brink & Jen Hennen Griffin (all ’98) had a mini-reunion at the Griffin residence in Cold Spring, MN on July 23rd. This was the first gathering which included all nine of our kids (and next generation of Gusties!) Left to right: Alison Le Cocq Carda, Jen Hennen Griffin, Jen…