Year: 2010

  • Sten Severson ’95

    Sten Severson ’95 is part of the group Acme Sound Partners, which was recently nominated for their third Tony Award. Acme Sound Partners was nominated for Best Sound Design of  a Play for their work on Fences, starring Denzel Washington. This is their third nomination in as many years, and the sound design Tony has…

  • Groundbreaking Photos

    Groundbreaking for the new academic building was held on a beautiful, windy day at Gustavus.

  • Alumni Association Challenge!

    Hey Classes of 2009, 2008, 2007, and 2006! Your participation in giving to the Gustavus Annual Fund is more important than ever! When you give a gift of any size to the Annual Fund, our alumni participation increases which helps improve the College’s national rankings and increases the value of your education. The Alumni Association…

  • Ed Drenttel ’81

    Gustavus Adolphus graduate, Edward J. Drenttel ’81, was recently selected by his peers for inclusion in the 2010 edition of Best Lawyers Lawyers in American ® (Copyright 2009 by Woodward/White, Inc., Aiken, SC).  Drenttel is a Partner at Winthrop & Weinstine, P.A., in Minneapolis, Minn. First published in 1983, Best Lawyers is not only the…

  • Alumni Perspective 2000

    Hafa Adai fellow members of the class of 2000, As I write this “alumni perspective” from my modest second story balcony, I can hear the waves crashing into the coral cliffs of Lao Lao Bay. It is dark out so I can’t actually see the water, but its gentle rhythm reminds me that it’s there.…