Year: 2010
Kristofor Storvick 2005
Graduated from University of Minnesota Law School in May 2009. Accepted position as Patent Attorney at 3M Innovative Properties Company.
Chris Cook 2000
Chris Cook ’00 married Stacy Tchu on September 19, 2009, in Sausalito, California.
Rebecca Tyrpa 1998
Rebecca Tyrpa is a Senior Examiner with the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago.
Annie Berger 2009
Dave Schutt ’11 and Annie Berger ’09 met up in Cape Town, South Africa while Dave was in port from Semester at Sea and Annie was interning with the Red Cross Children’s Hospital for 4 months (September to December 2009). We climbed Table Mountain in our Gustavus gear!
Jennifer Fransen 2007
Ryan, Hodgins and Associates CPAs, a professional association, has promoted Jennifer Fransen to Senior Accountant, an announcement that coincides with Jennifer’s completion of the Certified Public Accountant exam. Jennifer has been with Ryan, Hodgins and Associates since June of 2006 when she started as an intern, moving to a full time Staff Accountant position and,…
Nick and Ashley Stramp 2009
Nick Stramp ’09 and Ashley Ohlson ’09 were married with fellow Gusties in attendance.
Andrew Meyer 2003
Andrew Meyer ’03 graduated in May 2009 from the University of Colorado at Boulder with a Ph.D. in Economics and is now an Assistant Professor of Economics at Ohio Wesleyan University in Delaware, Ohio.
Jim Fisk 1974
In November 2009, I was named the College Librarian at Morningside College of Sioux City, IA. I will also continue in my role as the Coordinator of Student Academic Support Services.
Sara Gove 2006
Sara Gove began graduate school at DePaul University in Chicago in January 2010. She is pursuing her Masters in Writing and Publishing.