Derek Kaufman ’99 Posted on August 4th, 2012 by

Derek Kaufman ’99 is now the School Improvement & Student Achievement Program Coordinator in the Dept of Instruction for Loudoun County Public Schools in VA. He will be responsible for county-wide training sessions and initiatives and serve as the AVID District Director as well as the Coordinator for the Responsive Instruction initiative. Additionally, Derek will be managing the Standards of Leraning (SOL) remediation program proposals and budgets for all LCPS schools, coordinating the Project Graduation grant (a program from the Virginia Department of Education to assist students in meeting SOL graduation requirements), leading professional development in the areas of differentiation of instruction, progress monitoring, data-driven decision-making, and school improvement efforts, and providing outreach and support to schools in implementing the new online gradebook, CLARITY, and the online parent portal for the gradebook.

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