Month: March 2017
Jon Buss ’62
Jon Buss ’62 writes,”my granddaughter is graduating from High School in June and has been accepted at Gustavus. Out of 13 grandkids, Payton Buss is my only one to apply at Gustavus. I am proud of her!”
Steve Dow ’12
Steve Dow ’12 is a enterprise account representative at Code42 in Minneapolis, MN.
Nikki (Plocher) Peacock ’95
Kjerstin Jennifer was born to Nikki Plocher Peacock ’95 and Greg Peacock on February 8th, 2016.
Erin Schadt ’99
Erin Schadt ’99 is a senior communications manager, Membership and Research Division at OCLC. OCLC is a global library cooperative that provides shared technology services, original research and community programs for its membership and the library community at large.
Mary (Doby) Baker ’80
Mary (Doby) Baker has recently retired from the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency and moved to British Columbia, Canada. In retirement, she plans to volunteer/work in the Early Childhood Education field.
Arthur Dale ’53
Arthur Dale ’53 has published a book, Legends of Lee Tov. He writes, “It is a book of stories, whispered into my consciousness by the soft wind through pine bows of the first people to live and love at a Northern Minnesota lake. I ask questions and the wind takes me 9000 years after the…
Ethan Armstrong ’09
Gusties in New Orleans to celebrate the wedding of Ethan Armstrong ’09 and Anna Conroy on 11/12/16.
1967 and 1968 Chieftains (Chi Iota Kappa) gather
Chieftains of 1967 and 1968 Gather in the Grand Teton National Park near Jackson Hole in September 2016: Front Row: Ken Biederman ‘68, Bob Karli ‘67, Ron Malmquist ‘68, Larry Ortloff ‘68, Arv Zenk ‘68, Todd Jacobson ’68. Back Row: Paul Nerothin ‘67, Tom Toftey ‘67, Larry Trued ’67.