Category: Links
Featured Links
Become a fan of Gustavus Adolphus College on Facebook. Join the Gustavus Adolphus Alumni Group on LinkedIn.
Alumni Insurance Programs
Are you in need of short-term medical insurance and between jobs? Meyers and Associates can help with temporary medical insurance as well as life insurance. For information about life and short-term medical insurance, call 800-635-7801 or visit Meyer and Associates. Want to save money on your car insurance? As a Gustavus alumnus you qualify for…
Gustie Pages
Want to support Gustie professionals? In need of a doctor, pastor, or financial adviser? Look in the Gustie Pages, an online database of Gusties who have submitted information about their profession. Use the Gustavus network to meet your needs, or submit your professional information if you would like other Gusties to become your customers. Go…
Gustavus on the Web
Check out Folkelore — the blog from the Library! Become a Fan of Gustavus Adolphus College on Facebook. Join the Gustavus Adolphus Alumni Group on LinkedIn.
Online Directory Helpful for Christmas Card Lists
Need help finding addresses to send Christmas cards to Gustie friends? Just sign in to the online alumni directory to locate your friends. The Office of Alumni Relations can help with your username and password; call 800-487-8437 or by e-mail at
Nobel lectures online
Lectures from the 44th Nobel Conference, “Who Were the First Humans?,” Oct. 7-8, are now available online at Nobel Lectures.
Gusties on Facebook
Calling all Gusties on Facebook! Gus the Lion has his own page on Facebook. Come be a friend to Gus Tee today!