‘On Campus Events’ Category
Students and Alumni Connect over Nobel Luncheon
In conjunction with the 47th Nobel Conference “The Brain and Being Human”, the Office of Alumni Relations and the Center for Servant Leadership collaborated to host a Mentoring Luncheon to connect current students with an interest in neuroscience with alumni who work in related fields. The luncheon was held on the first day of the […]
Paul Batz ’85 is asking, “When’s the last time you pulled your ‘fun-muscles?'”
Don’t miss this interesting, passionate, and tug-at-you-heartstrings blog post written by Paul Batz ’85 (co-founder of What Really Works) all about Gustavus and Homecoming! Here is a little piece of the blog. Read the whole article at www.paulbatz.com. “I’m glad it’s Tuesday morning. Seriously, there’s a couple thousand proud Gustavus Adolphus College people — from […]
Gustavus: It Gets Better Project
On campus this February and March, the Gustavus Queers and Allies organization and the Campus Activities Board collected video recordings of students, faculty and staff giving testimonies as members of the GLBT and Ally community, which was combined into one video response from the Gustavus community for the It Gets Better Project (www.itgetsbetter.org). The nationwide […]
Groundbreaking Photos
Groundbreaking for the new academic building was held on a beautiful, windy day at Gustavus.
Christmas in Christ Chapel
You are invited to join the Gustavus collegiate community for “A Liturgy of Letters and Carols,” this year’s Christmas in Christ Chapel worship celebration, on the weekend of December 4-6, 2009. Tickets for the services and buffets at $17.50 each are available online via credit card this year at www.gustavustickets.com. If you do not have […]
Start of a New Academic Year
Gustavus Adolphus College will begin its 148th academic year Tuesday, Sept. 8, when classes commence for the College’s 2,525 full-time students. Approximately 630 first-year students are enrolled at Gustavus this fall. Move-in day for first-year students was Friday, Sept. 4, and you can view photos of move-in day or a video of the Gustie Greeters […]
Nobel Conference
Water is essential to all life. Our world cannot survive without it, and solutions to its quality and availability do not come easily. We have a shared responsibility to work together to manage the world’s water, and we must better educate ourselves as to how we can make a positive impact on the use and […]
Homecoming and Family Weekend 2009
Homecoming and Family Weekend will be Oct. 9-11. This is a reunion time for the classes of 1969, 1974, 1979, 1984, 1989, 1994, 1999, and 2004, but all alumni are invited to attend the events, even if it is not their reunion year. The full schedule this year includes a 5th Quarter Postgame Event where […]
Chemistry Alumni Symposium
The Gustavus Chemistry Department invites alumni and friends to visit campus for a special event. In addition to our annual fall research symposium, we have arranged for several alumni to talk about their work. This will be an excellent time to reconnect with classmates and network with other alumni. Student Research Symposium 1 – 5 […]
“Go with the Flow” to Nobel Conference 45
Water is essential to all life. Our world cannot survive without it, and solutions to its quality and availability do not come easily. We have a shared responsibility to work together to manage the world’s water and we must better educate ourselves as to how we can make a positive impact on the use and […]
Need A Good Summer Read?
Each summer, incoming Gustavus students are asked to read a “Reading in Common” book that will be discussed during New Student Orientation and, for some students, during their First Term Seminar course. The Reading in Common selection for 2009 is Enrique’s Journey by Sonia Narario. In this astonishing true story, award-winning journalist Sonia Nazario recounts […]
169 Construction
The city of St. Peter has joined the Minnesota Department of Transportation in planning for the reconstruction of Highway 169 from Union Street (in the north) to Jefferson Avenue (in the south), beginning on Thursday, July 9, and concluding by the Thanksgiving weekend. Gustavus will be accessible throughout the reconstruction phase. Since traffic may be […]
Nobel Conference Registration
Gustavus is pleased to announce the six individuals who will give presentations at the 2009 Nobel Conference. The conference, titled “H20: Uncertain Resource,” is scheduled for Oct. 6-7. This year’s presenters will be Rajendra K. Pachauri, Asit K. Biswas, Peter H. Gleick, William L. Graf, Nancy N. Rabalias, Larry L. Rasmussen, and David L. Sedlak. […]
Bill Holm Tribute
Friends of acclaimed writer Bill Holm ’65, who died unexpectedly in February, will gather for a tribute Thursday, May 7, 7-9 p.m. in Alumni Hall. Around a dozen presenters, including Phil Bryant (English), Joyce Sutphen (English), Doug Huff (philosophy), Larry Owen (English, emeritus), and Athena Owen Kildegaard ’82, will give brief tributes or readings; John […]