Tag: 1995

  • Class of 1995 Reunion Committee

    Karen Boschee Chenvert, Sara Tollefson Currell, and Beth Wiberg Barbosa gathered on February 27 with 58 Gusties for a Winter Retreat to discuss reunion planning.  Whether attending for their spring reunion during commencement weekend or their fall reunion during homecoming weekend, each reunion committee came together to make decisions for their class in regards to…

  • John Nolde ’95

    Winthrop & Weinstine, P.A., is proud to announce that thirteen attorneys have been named to the 2010 Rising Stars list by Minnesota Law & Politics, including Gustavus graduate John D. Nolde. Nolde is a shareholder practicing in the areas of real estate and corporate law with extensive experience in the areas of low-income housing tax…