Tag: 2009
Becky Carlson ’09
Becky Carlson ’09 is a career services coordinator/student advisor at University of Minnesota, College of Pharmacy in Minneapolis, MN.
Mandy (Dillenburg) Patel ’09
Mandy Dillenburg ’09 and Vikash Patel were married on 10/22/2016, in Madison, WI.
Becky (Gustafson) Swanson ’09
Aidan David, born to Matt and Becky (Gustafson ’09) Swanson ’09 on 10/10/2016.
Laura Ofstad ’09
Laura Ofstad ’09 earned a Master’s in Literature at the University of Nevada, Reno, specializing in Ecocriticism and Animal Studies.
Greg Boone ’09
Danielle Harms ’09 and Greg Boone ’09, married August 2nd, 2014 in Castle Danger, Minnesota.
Jessica Sussman ’09
Jessica Sussman ’09 is a program administrator at National Jewish Health in Denver, Colorado, a non-profit health center that is internationally recognized in research achievements. She recently accepted a position as the program administrator for the Clinical Translational Research Center. This is an organization that providers clinical research infrastructure, services and expertise to researchers in…
Gusties at Lake Pelican
Gustie friends gather at Pelican Lake, Pelican Rapids, MN in August 2016. Kyle Rohlfs ’08 Tasha Rohlfs ’09 Jack Underwood ’08 Wade Underwood ’12 and Claire Curran ’13.
Christine Dornbusch ’09
Gusties gather every day at work on the Talent Acquisition team at Ameriprise Financial’s corporate headquarters in downtown Minneapolis.
Briana Hewitt ’09
For the last few years I have attended, First Lutheran Church in Redlands, California. At the Mother’s Day brunch this year, I randomly sat down with a Gustie! Beverly Cromwell Chovick is a 1950 graduate and has been a member of the church for nearly 30 years. Over muffins and egg bake we swapped stories…
Gwendolyn Gillson ’09
Gwendolyn Gillson ’09 was awarded a Fulbright Study/Research Grant to Japan for her dissertation research on Japanese Buddhist women for her PhD in Religious Studies at the University of Iowa. She and her husband, fellow Gustie alum John Hadfield ’09, will be in Japan from July 2016 to July 2017.