Month: April 2010

  • Ed Drenttel ’81

    Gustavus Adolphus graduate, Edward J. Drenttel ’81, was recently selected by his peers for inclusion in the 2010 edition of Best Lawyers Lawyers in American ® (Copyright 2009 by Woodward/White, Inc., Aiken, SC).  Drenttel is a Partner at Winthrop & Weinstine, P.A., in Minneapolis, Minn. First published in 1983, Best Lawyers is not only the…

  • Alumni Perspective 2000

    Hafa Adai fellow members of the class of 2000, As I write this “alumni perspective” from my modest second story balcony, I can hear the waves crashing into the coral cliffs of Lao Lao Bay. It is dark out so I can’t actually see the water, but its gentle rhythm reminds me that it’s there.…

  • 1990 20th Reunion Top Ten Reasons to Attend

    After moving away from Minnesota over fifteen years ago to live in Jackson Hole, Wyoming there are certain times of year that I get hit with a distinct pang of homesickness. At the top of that list is early autumn or “back to school” time of year. Each fall, I think back to those autumn…

  • Michelle Price ’08

    Michelle Price ’08 has been awarded an NSF pre-doctoral fellowship.